Publication news
Our latest research publications:
- In “Exciton Dynamics and Quantum Efficiencies in Optically Coupled OLEDs: A Unified Quantum Master Equation Approach“, we introduce the first unified quantum master equation model for OLEDs, microcavity OLEDs, and polariton OLEDs. We apply the model to estimate the internal quantum efficiency of the different devices, observing that it increases with increasing light-matter coupling strength.
- In the study, “Enhancing the efficiency of polariton OLEDs in and beyond the single-excitation subspace“, we derive rates for polaritonic reverse inter-system crossing and triplet-triplet annihilation. The rates are found to be inversely proportional to the number of coupled emitters. Hence, to enhance the efficiency of (polariton) OLEDs, one should really utilize single-molecule strong coupling. On the other hand, also the harmful singlet-singlet annihilation is predicted to get diluted in the many-molecule case. The work has been accepted for publication in Advanced Optical Materials.